Desborough Branch Labour Party
Young people are our future and we need active engagement to establish from the young people, what they want. Cllr David Larmour
£50,000 boost for youth activities
Desborough Town Council agreed the budget for the year 2022/23 at last nights meeting (20th January 2022) and allocated £50,000 for Youth Activities. This money will be used to fund a major new initiative which seeks to expand provision for young people in the town.
Councillor Andy Coleman said –
‘Initially we want to engage the services of a qualified and experienced Youth Worker on a part time basis to work with young people, North Northants Council, existing groups and volunteers to see what can be done to deliver more services and activities for young people in the town’
Councillor David Lamour fully supported the move, he says –
‘Youth services have been cut back quite drastically over recent years and, more recently, the Covid pandemic has had a serious impact on younger people. Students have missed time at school, they have not been able to attend gatherings or events, their social life has been restricted and they have missed out on so many out-of-school activities.
Young people are our future and we need active engagement to establish from the young people, what they want. It is not about the council telling them but them telling us what they want. Our intention is to explore all avenues which may offer a better deal in our community’
Full details of the Desborough Town Council budget can be seen at-