Is this the end for Beech Close? As one of those who campaigned to get this facility in the town I will fight to keep it' Cllr Phil Sawford
As one of those who campaigned to get this facility in the town I will fight to keep it

Is Beech Close set for closure?

North Northants Council is considering the future of Beech Close in Desborough and you can read the full report that went to the Councils executive Committee on the 13th October 2022 by clicking on –Agenda for Executive on Thursday 13th October, 2022, 10.00 am – North Northamptonshire Council (

The options being considered range from a £7.4 million refurbishment to flatten Beech Close and sell the land. (see below for list of options)

Desborough residents may have an opinion on this and you can find details on how to contact your three NNC Councillors (David Howes, Mike Tebbutt and Mark Dearing) by clicking on – Find Councillor – North Northamptonshire Council (

To view decisions made at the above meeting go to – Decision – Transforming NNC Adult Social Care Provider Services – Strategy and Case for Change – North Northamptonshire Council (

The report states ‘It is anticipated that final proposals will be brought to the Executive for consideration at its meeting on 10th November 2022’ so time is short if you wish to make your views known on this matter.

Cllr Andy Coleman says –

‘First the Library, then the old council offices (sold off) now the possible closure of Beech Close. It makes you wonder what we pay our Council Tax for in Desborough’

Chair of the Town Council Helen Wood says –

“This should be discussed with our community, as we need to understand what will happen to local people who require care and accommodation. “

Cllr David Larmour says –

‘The closure of Beech Close is another tragic example of the neglect suffered by the residents of Desborough in the past 12 years.  Labour wold invest in local communities and enable them to thrive rather than suffer relentless decline’.

Cllr Jonathan Gardiner says –

‘Both my father and uncle were resident at Beech Close. The care they received was wonderful. My mother was able to visit everyday. It is a sad indictment against both Northants Country Council and North Northants Unitary Authority, that the home has been allowed to fall into such poor repair. It was a much appreciated facility in the town, serving the north of the county. Now it is seen as an asset to be sold to balance the books, brought about by poor financial controls’.


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