Desborough Branch Labour Party
Former County Councillor Tony Allen campaigned hard to get this facility built in Desborough. It didn't take North Northants Council long to close it down' Phil Sawford

Beech Close Elderly Persons Home – CLOSED
Former County Councillor Tony Allen campaigned hard to get this facility built in Desborough. We always knew that it was to serve the northern end of the county but as Tony said –
‘At any given time there may only be for or five Desborough people in Beech close but that is four or five people that can stay near to their community, near to their roots and near to their friends and family’.
Cllr Phil Sawford (who was on the Town Council at the time) says-
‘It didn’t take the new North Northants Council long to close it down, There could have been a repairs and renewals fund, there could have been a credible asset management budget, it could have been part of a planned rolling programme to upgrade facilities but the reality is that, as the Tories relentlessly drove the County Council into bankruptcy, there was nothing’.
The home is now closed and the site will no doubt be sold off in due course.