Desborough Branch Labour Party
Nice to see you.
No more blackout
At the Desborough Town Council meeting held on the 21st October 2021 it was decided that it was not necessary to block the pictures of members of the public who join the meeting via Zoom.
Councillor Andy Coleman said –
‘I understand that when the Council started holding meetings using the ‘Zoom’ facility the general advice was to black out the screen images to ensure that no inappropriate messages or signals could be put on the screen which might cause offence to others.
The pandemic has changed the way that meetings are conducted for many people but sitting at a meeting looking at a black screen is not the same as holding meetings in public where you can see everyone and I welcome this change’.
Councillor Dean Cornwall said-
‘I welcome this change as it feels a bit more like members of the public have joined us at the meeting. This change does not mean that people have to be on the screen as they can always choose to turn their camera off on their own computer’.
I look forward to the day when we can open up the meetings and local residents can come along to the library as they did before the covid pandemic’.