'Welcome to the Desborough Labour voters / supporters page. We are pleased that you have found us and hope this page is helpful' Mike Payne - Branch Chair
Mike Payne - Branch Chair

Welcome to the Labour Voter / Supporter section.


The Desborough Branch of the Labour Party has been active in the town for longer than anyone can remember and we are always pleased to hear from local Labour supporters.

If you want information about our activities you can fill in the form below so that we can make contact with you. We will not disclose, sell or pass on this information to anyone else and we will never contact you asking for donations.

In common with many other organisations our activities are restricted at the moment because of the current pandemic but we are still active and quite busy.

A few things that you could do as a Labour voter / supporter in Desborough that you might consider –

  1. Fill in the form below so that we can keep in touch.
  2. Tell other Labour voters / supporters,  about our web site.
  3. Register for a Postal or Proxy vote. (Click on the ‘Don’t lose your voice ‘ button below)
  4. Join us at social events.
  5. Sign up to receive local ‘on line’ Newsletters.
  6. Put up a poster at election time.
  7. Help to deliver leaflets (just one or two streets).
  8. Join the discussion on Facebook (click on the ‘ f ‘ at the bottom of any page)
  9. Keep informed about events, news and activities in the Kettering Constituency (click on the ‘Kettering Constituency’ button below)
  10. Keep informed about national policies and Campaigns. (Click on ‘The Labour Party’ button bellow).
  11. Join the Labour Party. (Click on the ‘Join’ button below)

Labour voter / supporter form

This form is for Labour voters / supporters in the Desborough area who wish to register their support and stay in touch with the local branch. Please note that we have a Facebook page (click on the 'F' at the bottom of the page) but we are not using, Instagram, Twitter or any other 'Social Media' at the present time.

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