Desborough Branch Labour Party
The roles and responsibilities of Parish and Town Councils in the new structure
Will Desborough residents end up paying more in taxes?
There has been a significant change and now the larger communities also have town councils. The process of deciding who pays for what is already being discussed and it should eventually bring some parity. If elected, Labour Councillors will not sit silently whilst some areas have to pay for services and others do not. This matter has already been referred to on our website (reprinted below) –
‘The new structure of local government will bring many changes. Former 3rd tier councils (Towns and Parishes) along with newly ‘Parished’ towns (Kettering, Wellingborough, Corby,) will become 2nd tier councils and will have a different role to play which could mean extra costs with no additional powers.
There are many existing anomalies in terms of what the towns and parishes do and what they pay for across the four areas (Corby, East Northants, Kettering & Wellingborough). These anomalies are already being looked at and, in order to create a ‘level playing field’, there will be a great levelling up (or levelling down).
What are they looking at? Grit bins, grass cutting, graveyards, flower beds, markets? Basically anything where in one former local authority area parishes have traditionally covered the cost and in another area they haven’t.
What will happen? It may well be that, in the very early days of the new Unitary Council, Parishes and Towns will find that they have some difficult decisions to make about local facilities and services.
What are the implications for the ‘Parish Precept’ and your local tax? Will it go up or down?
Whatever the outcome remember you read it here first’.
(Desborough Labour Party 16-04-2021)