Desborough Branch Labour Party
Since the pandemic more and more people are registering to vote early. Beat the bugs, avoid the queue and make voting more convenient. Desborough Labour Party
Early Voting – the convenient way to have your say
There will be a General Election this year but many voters will miss out due to illness, holidays, work responsibilities or family commitments. There is a way to make sure that you have your say by registering for an early vote by post.
Since the global pandemic more and more people are taking advantage of the Postal Vote service, it is easy to register, simple to vote and far more convenient.
In a changing world of social media, online shopping and other internet services the old system of having to go to a Polling Station on a particular day to vote is out of sync with the way we live.
‘Don’t lose your voice’ is aimed at those who want to play a part in the democratic process but are not able to do so and we are trying to help that group to get on the register, vote by post or get a proxy vote which allows someone else to vote on their behalf.
Register to vote
There are estimates that as many as 8 million people in the UK are not registered to vote. In Desborough we have been surprised by the number of properties that appear to be occupied yet they are missing from the register. For information about registering to vote go to –
Register to vote | Electoral Commission
The easiest way is to register on line (Click below)
Register to vote – GOV.UK (
For the Kettering area email or call 01536 534353.
Vote by post
In Desborough there are more than 1500 people who vote by post but many others miss out on their democratic right because they are not able to get to the Polling Station. Don’t lose your voice –
Apply to vote by post | Electoral Commission
For the Kettering area email or call 01536 534353.
Apply for a postal vote online (Click below)
Apply for a postal vote – GOV.UK (
Proxy Votes
Voting by proxy means getting someone to vote on your behalf. You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including: being away on polling day, having a medical issue or disability, not being able to vote in person because of work or military service. For information about voting by proxy go to –
Voting by proxy | Electoral Commission