Desborough Branch Labour Party
Desborough Labour Party and Labour candidates welcome comments and questions from local residents and there are a number of ways to contact us through this website and/or our Facebook page . Desborough Labour Party
Desborough Labour Party and Labour candidates welcome comments and questions from local residents and there are a number of ways to contact us through this website and/or our Facebook page.
When using social media we will endeavour to stick to the latest rules and guidance in line with the requirements of the Electoral Commission some of which are detailed below.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————Social media – use and abuse
Election campaigns, like many other aspects of life, are adjusting to a digital age. The days of public meetings, street corner rallies and hustings are now regarded as a thing of the past and new methods of campaigning are developing.
Along with the changes there are problems, as we have witnessed on the news, regarding allegations of Russian interference and other attempts to influence the outcome of the election through social media.
The fact that the owner of ‘Facebook’ was summoned to meet Members of Parliament (though he didn’t attend) gives some idea of the seriousness of the matter and the concerns that are shared by many people.
In an attempt to have some basic control of social media sites the Electoral Commission have set out some rules to at least help to identify who has posted what, who is responsible for the content and how they might be contacted.
Social media guidelines
1.34 You should display your full imprint details prominently on your profile. You can include a shortened link to your imprint in your tweet or post. If it is impractical to place a full imprint on to an image, you should include the text of a link, or a hyperlinked logo or emblem that leads to your full imprint.
1.35 We also suggest that if you use online discussion forums you make your identity as a candidate clear where possible.
(Extract from the Electoral Commission booklet- Parish and community council elections in England and Wales)
In a fast changing environment the rules may seem a little vague and it may be that tighter rules will be introduced in due course but in the meantime issues of possible interference in the democratic process, fake news, illegal gathering of data, etc, continue to cause concern.
Rules regarding the use of web sites and electronic mail-
LIBEL AND FALSE STATEMENT: all literature and website text must be checked to ensure it is not defamatory, libellous or contains false statements as to personal character or conduct of another candidate.
IMPRINT: all printed materials, posters, newspaper adverts, emails and websites used to promote the candidate must carry a proper imprint so it is clear to everyone who has printed and promoted the items. It also allows the agent and candidate to be contacted in the event of a breach of electoral or other law.
E-mails must also carry an unsubscribe option
Text messages must say that it is from the Labour Party and offer an unsubscribe facility.
Along with the above rules it is important to comply with other general rules of conduct (example below)
During the campaign, you must not
• Knowingly make a false statement about the personal character of another candidate.
(Extract from the Electoral Commission booklet- Parish and community council elections in England and Wales)
Desborough Labour Party is committed to complying with the law and the rules set out above and have taken advice as to the best way to ensure that we do not break these rules. We have given the matter very serious consideration we have taken a decision to use just one social media site and you can find Desborough Labour Party on Facebook .
Desborough Labour Party | Facebook
Further information about digital campaigning can be found at-
Home Page | Electoral Commission